what do the graphics on the top of this website tell us...?

Are processes working by Design, by Default or By Coincidence...?

Do we manage processes, or are processes managing us...?


Do we need to worry about a day to day issue in the company or have trust and confidence that all problems will be solved by themselves, so typically following Darwin's theory and accepting that some companies will die and some will survive...?


Either way, often it looks like our business processes are just following an intuitive path, self-exploring and for sure not designed, nor desired by us...


The graphics shows quite well how that process in one way is getting totally out of control and on the other way, is fascinating to look at when watching its lifecycle and beautiful colors. And this process, based on Casey Reas design work, is fully based on code. A beautiful example on integration between data coding and art.


Continuously we see the birth of new 'straight forward' processes and after a split second, they evolve in multiple deviating processes.


This always will be the Companies' Quest: how far do we want to go in structuring processes and making them more effective and efficient, or at some point still enjoying the beauty of how colorful imperfection is.


In other words: When we were young, we maybe wanted to work at a hospital or being part of the fire brigade. Fixing problems...


And now we're getting older, we are still proud of telling stories to others, that we 'solved a burning issue' for the company, just because others did not see the imperfection of the process or fixing structural process issue is just not a priority of the company.


I'm positive that millions of people will get that feel of proud and satisfaction that they fixed an issue, for the next decades


And I'm also wishing for granting them a more inspiring achievement: I fixed a structural process problem!